Saturday, October 22, 2011


Compassion. Kindness meaning of the name.

written on the wall somewhere, since 1999..

Friday, October 07, 2011

rest in peace; Steve Jobs

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.

Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

Steve Jobs - Address at Stanford University (2005)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Saturday, September 05, 2009

°Bye Bye, everything... mine!

keep my love or trash it, I can’t live without you,
think about me or don’t – I will always think about you,
I gave my heart to you and only you - save it or trash it,
take me or leave me, I gave my heart to you – away you go,
remember me or forget me, It’s important for me to love you - and only you,

/ you know who you are, you are mine...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


“And to Allah belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and to Him return all affairs (for decision). So worship Him and put your trust in Him. Your Lord is not unaware of what you do.” Surat Hud Al-Quran.

The last weeks have been very tough for me, because of the exams – YES! I have been living as a zombie exactly the way I mentioned in my earlier post (on my blog). I survived the last very first five weeks of this year 2009. I feel I have been drained for the entire energy of a human body possible could be in possession of. I have no more words on the Gaza conflict; I am sick and tired of hearing/watching the open on-screen terror from Israeli forces! The extermination of Gaza must stop now!
During my study for my ‘Knowledge Management’ exam, I got into this quote:

"When emotionally upset, people cannot remember, attend, learn or make decisions clearly. As one management consultant put it, 'Stress makes people stupid' " Goleman 1995

My priority number one was not get stress, I kept telling myself ‘Don’t Stress…’ over and over again, it kind of helped me for a while. My constantly fast heart beaten hasn’t being very normal the last 3 weeks and my sleeping routines were smashed, I didn’t slept well the night before my exam – later I found out, that is was very usual for student to not sleep well the night before their exam. Now we are already in week 5(2009) I have no sense of time it flew away like nothingness.

My favorite show is back with season five, yes I am talking about LOST. I totally amaze watching the episodes, it’s all the mystery and unanswered question, that makes the TV-show fantastic and in a very top class of TV-shows. LOST will always remind me of my terrible frightening summer 2007, in this case it makes the show even better (contradictory)! I usually End my post with a quote but this time (and future on) I want to start with a quote. I think it might catch the readers’ attention and might in the end get the reader and hopefully finally read the post, I have written.


Sunday, January 04, 2009


A Palestinian girl crying during the funeral of a family member who was killed during an Israeli air raid
in the town biet Lahiya. Photo: FADI ADWAN / AP

The ending of year 2008 was no pleasure, instead it was poured with sorrow. I couldn’t believe that it was ended; I just don’t feel anything has really changed; the coming up days won’t be that different from the days in 2008. My study is still in process, but from week 2 I will become totally engrossed with it, insh’Allah! My vows for the New Year, it always goes like this every New Year: Study more and understand it well enough for the exams and to gain the knowledge to useful and don't waste my time! Make plans and follow them!

The terrible Gaza conflict exploded up in Middle East in the middle of December 2008, between 400-500 lives had been taken, more than two thousands are seriously injured by the massive attack of the Israeli forces, most of those people are civilian; women and (small) children - and this is still ongoing! I find no justice for my Muslim brothers and sisters, and I don’t understand why no Arab countries/so called Muslim countries have taken NO action to stop these massive attacks, on their own fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. I don’t find the solution in protest, but still I don’t say do not protest!

All the Arab/so called Muslim countries are in a way responsible for the terrible situation now - they do not condemn these crimes that are done to our Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza. They act like they are dumb, deaf and blind! I would say that they support Israel indirectly. I pray to Allah that this will take an end – and I request that you would do the same, insh'Allah!

“Hamas's home-made rockets have killed just 20 Israelis in eight years,
but a day-long blitz by Israeli aircraft that kills almost 300 Palestinians is just par for the course.”
Source: Robert Fisk - THE INDEPENDENT, Monday, 29 December 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008


The 3rd Semester is all over and now the preparation of exams has taken place into my ‘to do lists’ and everyday-calendar. Yes it’s all about study and study hard! My exams will start from the very first New Year day and the horror will end of January month. Afterwards the new semester will start, and the new syllabus will enter. Yes this is the life cycle of a student – semester start and semester end…I hope I will survive until that, Insha’Allah.

Recently I have been thinking about my life and I thought it’s time to regulate on it to something like more life. I feel it’s dark all the time; from the morning I wake up – and until I go to sleep again. The weather is cold and I like it right as it is, actually I like all the seasons.

Did you know that a ‘Box jellyfish’ are extremely venomous and can kill humans, I knowledge that from a movie ‘Seven Pounds’ starring Will Smith, I saw it some days ago. In my opinion the movie was a little slow, but overall, very fine and I was surprised with the unique sacrifice. The main character seems very realistic, Ben Thomas(Will Smith) and the whole idea behind that he’s stuck to his plan and nothing can stop him - follow his plan to the end, is truly amazing. Lots of negative critique has given to this movie, but seriously come on - we only see Will Smith doing one movie during a year and I can see that he gives his 100% of his talent.

the hardest advice: ‘to advice other is an easy matter, the difficulty is accepting and advice since it is bitter for those who follow their own inclinations and desires’ by Abu Hamid.
